Well, I went to Continuum 2012 a couple of weeks ago and, I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite being in sciatica-induced pain all weekend.
On Friday I played in the Pelorian Song Contest and managed to wander through it being awfully nice to everyone. The songs were truly awesome and the freeform was short but loads of fun.
On Saturday, I had plans to go to various seminars, but instead played three RPGs, HeroQuest, Toon and OpenQuest.
I hadn’t played Toon for well over 20 years and enjoyed playing Minkey, my banana-wielding monkey.
The OpenQuest scenario was interesting, but I can’t see why I would choose the system over RuneQuest.
The HeroQuest scenario was interesting as well, with the ending being narrated by the players, helped by a few rolls.
I wasn’t very sociable afterwards and retired to my bed.
On Sunday, I had planned to attend several seminars, but only managed the Maps one, due to intense pain.
I did have the questionable pleasure of being asked why I hadn’t vacated my room, due to an administrative mixup, but Darran Simms soon sorted this out, but it was irritating while is lasted.
However, the Maps Seminar was truly excellent, with more visual Gloranthan goodies that my poor brain could handle. I really cannot wait until these maps come out and must have them, no matter the cost. They really are that good.
In the afternoon, I helped to GM the Art of War Freeform, which was highly enjoyable. I now realise that freeform GMs are woefully unprepared and next time I need to prepare a sheet of all the plots, how they interact and what kind of things could come up. However, I will take one thing away from the game – the sound of Michelangelo saying “I am a genius” over and over and over again, especially in the masquerade ball “You don’t recognise me? But I am a genius!”.
The Auction was truly embarrassing, with very little on offer and very few bids. I remember auctions from the pas that were truly memorable, this one truly wasn’t.
For the first time attending conventions, I missed the closing ceremony as I admitted defeat and hobbled off to bed, but apparently I didn’t miss much.
Monday opened with breakfast, then finding my lift and packing up my stuff and hanging around saying goodbye to people.
Roll on next time. I might even make it to Eternalcon 2103 in Germany.